Animal Farm PDF George Orwell Free Download

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Name of Book  Animal Farm 
Author  George Orwell 
PDF Size  500 KB
No of Pages  108
Language  English

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Five Reasons To Read Animal Farm PDF 

Political Allegory: “Animal Farm” serves as a powerful allegory for the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of Stalinism. Through its animal characters and their struggles for power, Orwell provides a nuanced commentary on the corruption of political ideals and the dangers of totalitarianism.

Universal Themes: Despite being rooted in a specific historical context, the themes explored in “Animal Farm” resonate across time and cultures. Readers can draw parallels between the events depicted in the novel and various instances of abuse of power and manipulation throughout history and contemporary society.

Character Development: Orwell’s portrayal of the animals on the farm allows for rich character development, showcasing both their strengths and flaws.

Critical Thinking: Reading “Animal Farm” encourages readers to think critically about the dynamics of power, propaganda, and revolution. By dissecting the motivations and actions of the characters, readers are prompted to question the nature of authority and the implications of blind loyalty.

Language and Style: Orwell’s straightforward and concise storytelling make “Animal Farm” accessible to readers of all ages and backgrounds. The simplicity of language belies the depth of the novel’s themes, making it an engaging and thought-provoking read for both seasoned literature enthusiasts and newcomers alike

Animal Farm Summary 


Animal Farm, penned by George Orwell, isn’t just a classic piece of literature; it’s a compelling allegory that delves into the complexities of power, corruption, and human nature. Set on a farm where animals overthrow their human owner, the novel presents a vivid portrayal of political upheaval and the dangers of unchecked authority.


Animal Farm opens with Old Major, a wise pig, delivering a stirring speech to the other animals about their oppression under Mr. Jones, the human owner. Inspired by Major’s vision of a utopian society where animals rule themselves, they stage a rebellion and drive Mr. Jones away. Led by the pigs, particularly Napoleon and Snowball, the animals establish a new order based on the principles of Animalism, with all animals being equal.

However, as time passes, the pigs gradually usurp power for themselves, exploiting the other animals and rewriting the commandments of Animalism to justify their actions. Napoleon, in particular, becomes a tyrant, using fear and manipulation to maintain control. The novel culminates in the pigs becoming indistinguishable from the humans they originally rebelled against, highlighting the cyclical nature of oppression.

Themes Explored in Animal Farm

Power and Corruption

Animal Farm vividly illustrates how power can corrupt even the noblest of intentions. The pigs, initially advocates for equality, succumb to greed and tyranny once they gain control.

Allegory of the Russian Revolution

Orwell uses Animal Farm as an allegory for the events of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinist Russia. Each character and event in the novel parallels real-life figures and occurrences, offering a critique of totalitarianism.

Class Struggle

The class divisions between the animals represent the socio-economic disparities prevalent in society. The pigs, representing the ruling elite, exploit the other animals for their own gain, perpetuating inequality.

Propaganda and Manipulation

Orwell depicts the use of propaganda and manipulation as tools for maintaining power. Through slogans like “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others,” the pigs manipulate the animals’ perception to justify their authoritarian rule.

The Importance of Education and Awareness

Throughout the novel, Orwell emphasizes the importance of education and critical thinking. The animals’ ignorance and naivety allow the pigs to manipulate them easily, highlighting the need for an informed and vigilant populace.

Impact and Legacy of Animal Farm

Since its publication in 1945, Animal Farm has left an indelible mark on literature and popular culture. Its powerful commentary on political corruption and the dangers of authoritarianism resonates with readers of all ages and backgrounds. The novel continues to be studied in classrooms around the world and serves as a cautionary tale against the abuse of power.

Character Analysis

Napoleon: A representation of Joseph Stalin, Napoleon embodies the ruthless pursuit of power and control. His manipulation of the other animals and suppression of dissent highlight the dangers of authoritarian leadership.

Snowball: Initially portrayed as a visionary leader, Snowball symbolizes Leon Trotsky, advocating for the welfare of all animals. However, his idealism is no match for Napoleon’s cunning, leading to his expulsion from the farm.

Boxer: A loyal and hardworking horse, Boxer represents the proletariat, whose unwavering dedication to the revolution is exploited by the pigs for their own gain. His eventual betrayal and tragic fate serve as a poignant commentary on the plight of the working class.

Squealer: The pigs’ chief propagandist, Squealer manipulates language and disseminates falsehoods to justify the pigs’ actions. His role underscores the power of propaganda in controlling the narrative and suppressing dissent.


In conclusion, George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a timeless masterpiece that offers profound insights into the complexities of human nature and society. Through its vivid characters, compelling narrative, and enduring themes, the novella continues to educate readers and provoke critical reflection on the nature of power and governance. For More Information Click

About The Author Of Animal Farm 

George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair to Richard Blair and Ida Mabel Blair on June 25, 1903, in Motihari, India, during the time of British rule. His father worked as a official in the Opium Department of the Indian Civil Service. Orwell moved to England with his mother and siblings when he was one year old.

Growing up, Orwell attended prestigious schools, including Eton College, but he didn’t come from a wealthy family. He had to win scholarships to attend these schools. After finishing his education, Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police in Burma in 1922 but resigned in 1927 due to his increasing discomfort with imperialism.

Orwell began his writing career as a journalist and novelist. He chose the pen name George Orwell, inspired by the River Orwell in Suffolk, England, and George V, the reigning monarch at the time. He wrote about his experiences as a colonial officer in Burma in his first novel, “Burmese Days,” published in 1934.

Orwell is best known for his allegorical novella “Animal Farm” and another novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. “Animal Farm” is a satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism. It portrays a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, only to establish a society more oppressive than the one they overthrew.

Throughout his life, Orwell was deeply committed to social justice and democratic socialism. He fought in the Spanish Civil War against fascism and was critical of both capitalist and totalitarian regimes. His experiences during the war influenced his writing, including his famous essay “Homage to Catalonia.”

Orwell’s writing is known for its clarity, honesty, and political insight. He believed in the power of language to expose lies and uphold truth, famously coining the term “Newspeak” in “Nineteen Eighty-Four” to describe the language of totalitarianism.

Sadly, Orwell’s life was cut short by tuberculosis, and he died on January 21, 1950, at the age of 46. Despite his relatively short life, his work continues to be influential and widely read, offering timeless commentary on politics, society, and the human condition.

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FAQ’s About Animal Farm 

What is the main point of Animal Farm?

Animal Farm is all about showing how power can corrupt and how dictatorships are dangerous. Orwell tells a story about farm animals to show how even when revolutions start with good intentions, they can end up being ruled by tyrants.

Who are the main characters in Animal Farm?

The main characters in Animal Farm include Old Major, the pig who inspires the revolution; Napoleon, the power-hungry pig who takes control of the farm; Snowball, the idealistic pig who becomes Napoleon’s rival; Boxer, the hardworking but naive horse; and Squealer, the persuasive pig who spreads propaganda.

What is the significance of the pigs in Animal Farm?

The pigs represent the ruling class in Animal Farm and symbolize the corrupting influence of power. They start out as the leaders of the revolution but gradually become indistinguishable from the humans they originally rebelled against, showing how power can corrupt even the most noble intentions.

What function does propaganda serve in Animal Farm?

Propaganda plays a crucial role in maintaining the pigs’ power on Animal Farm. Squealer, the pig in charge of propaganda, distorts the truth and spreads lies to manipulate the other animals into supporting Napoleon’s regime. This highlights the power of misinformation in controlling and manipulating a population.

What are some of the instances where irony is showcased in Animal Farm?

One example of irony in Animal Farm is the pigs’ adoption of human practices and behaviors despite initially condemning them. Another example is how the animals’ revolution, which was supposed to bring equality and freedom, ends up creating a new hierarchy even more oppressive than the one they overthrew.

What does the ending of Animal Farm suggest?

The ending of Animal Farm suggests that the cycle of oppression and tyranny is difficult to break. Despite the animals’ initial hopes for a better society, they ultimately find themselves in a situation similar to the one they rebelled against, emphasizing the grim reality of power dynamics and human nature.

What inspired George Orwell to write Animal Farm?

George Orwell was inspired to write Animal Farm by his experiences with totalitarianism and his observations of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. The novel serves as a critique of authoritarian regimes and a warning against the dangers of unchecked power.

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